Framing and Roofing Supply Specialists
Connecticut's #1 source for fasteners, roofing accessories, and Simpson Strong-tie. We specialize in providing great service and prices to wood residential framers, roofers, and general contractors. Free same day delivery to Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire.

The Mamsco Advantage
Our low overhead allows us to pass savings on to you. All lumber yards and "big box" stores buy their collated nails and fasteners from master distributors who buy containers from overseas. Mamsco buys our containers direct from overseas, cutting out the middleman and passing the savings directly on to you. Mamsco is one of the few companies where you have direct access to the owners every day. Founder/owners Ann and Mike Marshall have over 30 years of experience buying and selling fasteners and tools to contractors. We are not constrained by the typical "corporate mentality". We have the ability, flexibility, and creativity to find a way to get it done. Mamsco is proud to be a woman owned small business. Mamso is fully certified by the State of Connecticut Department of Administration Services Supplier Diversity Program, as a Woman Owned Small/Minority Business Enterprise. That is the Mamsco Advantage Come visit our showroom!

Fastener Specialists
Mamsco's team of sales and service people are here to work for you. Need help locating a specialty nail? Not sure what fasteners are approved for your Simpson hangers? Call us and we'll do the research for you. We're dedicated to going to the extra mile and providing the best customer support in the industry.
We also carry a complete line of the tools needed for Framing, Roofing, Siding, and Trim.